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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Juice Fasting For Weight Loss - Fasting For Fat Loss

Fasting for fat loss may not always be obvious to people looking to lose a few pounds as most diets and eating routines require people to eat small meals 5-6 times a day to maintain a fast metabolism and burn as much fat as possible.

Its a thin line between starving yourself and controlled fasting but fasting every couple weeks can be a great way to

- Clear toxins from your blood - Give your organs a rest - flush out all waste from the body, rejuvenate your body - Great way to kickstart weight loss

Juice fasting as the name mentions involves fasting for 24 - 48 hours (24 for beginners) using only freshly squeezed juice from fruit with the most common being Orange or Lemon juice but if you have a juicer at home feel free to try any fresh fruits.

The reason we use fresh fruits and not store bought juices is that fresh fruit juice does not contain preservatives or any additives. Fresh fruit juice is easily digested and absorbed into the body and that way you wont put your body under extra stress by having to burn energy trying digest.

After completing a juice fasting cycle your body will feel rejuvenated and your metabolism will also increase, maintaining a steady fasting regime will help you avoid overeating and also remind you to stay on track for your fat loss goals.

A great mix for a fasting for weight loss juice is

- 1 pomegranate - handful of grapes - handful of strawberries

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