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Friday, October 4, 2013

Herbal Weight Loss Products

Although there are many weight loss products available in the market, they are no match to the herbal weight loss products which are made out of natural herbs that have weight loss properties. The best thing about herbal weight loss products is that they have minimum side effects and are highly effective. As a result, more and more people are opting for herbal weight loss products these days.

A very common herb used in Ayurvedic medicines is Guggul (Commiphora mukul) which has considerably high cholesterol controlling properties. One can take Guggulu also in combination with Triphala for better results.

Another significant herb for weight reduction is the root of the herb Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). The herbal extract from this root has a characteristic sweet taste. It can regulate blood-sugar levels and also reduces craving for sweets. A cup of licorice if taken everyday for one week out of every month for up to three months, helps to reduce weight tremendously.

Another common herb used as an Ayurvedic weight loss medicine is Triphala (Emblica officinalis). It promotes normal appetite, improves digestion and takes away fats from body. Its antioxidant properties regulate water content in the body and help reduce weight. Similarly, the juice of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) helps reduce weight by improving digestion and cleansing the digestive tract.

The active ingredient that is present in Garcinia cambogia slows down fat production within the body, reduces appetite and also promotes conversion of blood sugar into glycogen instead of converting it into fat.

To seriously lose weight, it is worthwhile to try herbal weight loss products which can be easily found in stores in any part of the world.

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For More Related Topics Blog: Women Diet Plan For Weight Loss

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